What city are you interested in?
MSP Transportation to / from any city within 300 miles of Minneapolis
Click on the light blue “City Lookup” box above, start typing the name of the city you wish Citywide to pick you up from or dropped off at. Click on the city name as it appears below the box. You may have to scroll down to see the listings.
All prices listed are for the ride, NOT per person.
If the city you are looking for is not listed or the ride you want does not include the MSP airport, fill out the form here and we will email you a quote.
To see your options for MSP Transportation, check out my blog post here.
We are a 24/7 Scheduled MSP Car Service answering our phones from 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Sunday at (763) 313-6699
You can also text us 24/7 at: (763) 313-6699
Email us at: Rides@ShuttleServiceMSP.Com
See our latest reviews at the bottom of every page
To book a ride, request a quote or ask a question, please click here.
Airport Car Service Minneapolis
MSP Transportation with Citywide give you options. From our Basic Car Service to our Black Car options. We also can take your larger group with our 15 passenger vans.